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Know the Causes of Malocclusion and How to Treat It

Malocclusion is a medical term to describe the position or arrangement of teeth and jaws that are not normal. If it upsets the appearance or interferes with daily activities, this condition can be overcome by installing braces or surgery. Mild malocclusion does not require any treatment. However, in severe malocclusions, the inner cheeks, gums, or tongue are often bitten accidentally. Even in certain cases, malocclusion also makes it difficult for the sufferer to speak and causes discomfort when chewing. Causes of Malocclusion Malocclusion is generally genetic, meaning that this condition can be passed on from parents to children. However, there are some small time habits that can change the structure of the jaw and cause malocclusion. Some of these habits are: Use a pacifier or suckle with a bottle until the age of 3 years. Frequent thumb sucking. Inappropriate dental care. In addition to the above habits, malocclusion can also be caused by the following conditions: Excess...
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